Inspiration and Ideas on How to Decorate Your Christmas Gingerbread House

How to Decorate a Gingerbread House for the Christmas Holidays

Ginger's Breadboys Gingerbread House Kit provides a variety of options to decorate your Gingerbread House.

Gingerbread House Decorated for the illustration for Ginger's Breadboys

Creativity and imagination are yours to explore. We’ve given you a few tools in the kit to help you along the way; here's how to use them all along with helpful hints and suggestions for how to decorate a gingerbread house. Yes, you really can do-it-yourself!

To make the gingerbread design from our illustration, view the steps here.

Ready to make your Gingerbread House all on your own?
DIY with a little help?

Download our Gingerbread House Template and grab a bag of our cookie mix and get started on your own. Bundle and save on your purchase! Or sign up for our mailing list and get your download free!

Dough Cutter Shapes

  • use your dough cutter shapes for cutouts or impressions. Impressions provide guidelines for icing later.
  • make round, square or diamond-shaped windows.
  • use the square cutter and cut in half to make window shutters
  • use the larger round cutter as an impression for a wreath
  • use the small round cutter for path pavers or roof shingles. Roof requires 96 shingles (8 rows across x 6 down = 48) x 2 roof panels = 96)

Dough Impression Stamps/Embossers

Your gingerbread house kit comes with two dough embossers. Press down to make the design on the dough.

  • Use the blue cobblestone dough impression stamp on the side/wall panels to create that stone cottage effect.
  • Use the pink diamond dough impression stamp to create a design on the roof panels. You can use the impression as a guide for icing later.
  • Liberally dust the dough impression stamp with either flour or powdered sugar before pressing into dough so that it won’t stick.
  • Do not press the dough impression stamp all the way through the dough as it will weaken the panel.

Glass-effect Windows

Cut out the dough for your windows on your side panel. Break a piece of the hard candy and place the pieces inside the opening before baking. The candy will melt during baking forming a pane of 'glass.' Voila! A colorful glass window into your gingerbread house.

Builder's Toolkit

Gingerbread House Kit Contents from Ginger's Breadboys

To construct and decorate your gingerbread house with Royal Icing, we've included four (4) decorating tubes, two (2) pastry bags with couplers and green food coloring in our Builder's Toolkit. We've also included meringue powder and a great recipe for Royal Icing that dries hard and fast. The options for decorating are endless.

  • Pipe a bead along the sides and ends of the panels using tube #7 for constructing your gingerbread house.
  • Outline your windows with decorating tube #4
  • Use the basket weave decorating tube #48 with either green or white icing to pipe shutters for your windows
  • Use the #30 decorating tube to create 'rosettes' that are perfect for planting a gum drop, creating a border or wreath, or simply a splash of color
  • To create a bush, ball up some aluminum foil and cover it in green rosettes


Dust your creation with either granulated or powdered sugar, coconut flake, or big sugar crystals (called sanding sugar) for that snow-kissed or ice-kissed look.

  • Before dusting with granulated sugar, wet a pastry brush with water and lightly brush the roof and other areas to be dusted so that the granulated sugar will stick.
  • To dust with powdered sugar, use a sifter or metal strainer and lightly tap the sides to shake powdered sugar over the house.

Window Shutters

  • use the square cutter and cut out a piece of dough. cut in half to make window shutters
  • use the basket weave decorating tube with either green or white icing to pipe shutters for your windows

Front Walkway/Path

  • Use Red Hots as pebbles in a white icing background to create a path.
  • Create cookie pavers with the small round cutter.

Helpful Hints:

  • Before dusting with granulated sugar, wet a pastry brush with water and lightly brush the roof and other areas to be dusted so that the granulated sugar will stick.
  • To dust with powdered sugar, use a sifter or metal strainer and lightly tap the sides to shake powdered sugar over house.
  • If your peppermint stick is broken, use a touch of royal icing to ‘glue’ it together before affixing to the corners of the gingerbread house.
  • Decorate the sides and the end panels prior to putting the house together. Then allow to dry completely before assembling the house.
  • Decorate roof after house has been constructed
  • Use the pink diamond dough impression stamp on roof panel (before baking) to create guides for icing.
  • Liberally dust the dough impression stamps with powdered sugar before pressing into dough so that it won’t stick.
  • Do not press dough impression stamp all the way through the dough as it will weaken the panel.
  • Store the baked panels - before decorating - with wax paper between pieces so they don't stick to each other

Here's how to make the gingerbread house that appears in the illustration for Ginger's Breadboys.

Gingerbread House illustration for Ginger's Breadboys

Make the dough per the instructions on the card included with the gingerbread house kit.

Roll out the dough and make the following impressions and cutouts before baking:

  • on the roof panel, make the diamond impression;
  • on the wall panels, make two square window impressions;
  • use the large round cutter to make a half moon impression over each window;
  • on the end wall panel with gable:
    • make a wreath impression with the large round cutter;
    • make two small round impressions to the left and right of the door cutout;
    • make a door cutout; and
  • make 3 pavers using the small round cutout and excess dough.

Bake the house panels per the instructions on the card included with the kit.

Bake the door and pavers per the instruction on the card included with the kit.

Decorate all the panels before building the house.

On the end panel with gable:

  • Decorate the wreath with green icing and decorating tube #30 (rosettes) using the large round impression as a guide. Place a red hot in the center of every other rosette.
  • Decorate the small round windows using decorating tube #4 and white icing. Trace the impression and then pipe a vertical and horizontal line down and across the middle respectively to form a cross.
  • Add a small triangle of icing to the lower right corner of each "pie" piece created with the lines.
  • Outline the door cutout with a thin bead of white icing and decorating tube #4. Add 9 dots in a semi-circle over the door.
  • Decorate the door cutout with two lines of 4 dots and a green rosette at the top.

On the wall panels:

  • Outline the windows using decorating tube #4 with white icing. Use the impressions from the square and the round cutter as guides.
  • Add a line down the middle of each window and a horizontal line through the square.
  • Pipe 7 dots over each window following the curve of the impression.
  • Add a small triangle of icing to the lower right corner of each square and "pie" piece created with the lines.
  • Add window shutters with the green icing using decorating tube #48 (basket weave).

On the roof panels:

  • using white icing with decorating tube #4, trace the diamond pattern.
  • Add a red hot at the intersection of each crisscrossed line.

Build the house per the instructions on the card included with the kit.

After the house is assembled, pipe two vertical rows of white rosettes on each corner and press a peppermint stick in between each row.

Outline each roof panel with two rows of white rosettes for that snowdrift effect.

Pipe one row of rosettes down the apex of the roof.

Place 3 green and 2 red spice drops down the center line of the roof in every other rosette, changing color with each.

Crush up 10 small balls of aluminum foil and cover in green rosettes to create 5 bushes along the side walls of the house.

Add the decorated door into the door cutout with a piped line of icing on the left to glue it in place.

Place three pavers in front of the door to create a path.

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Gingerbread House Decorated for the illustration for Ginger's Breadboys
Helping you make, bake, and decorate gingerbread man cookies and gingerbread houses for the Christmas holidays.

Years in the making, a product of passion, perseverance and love.

Sole Proprietor Small Business
Woman-Owned and Operated
Made in the DMV